N'keady progress after two weeks

Pekka_Men | N'keady |

Are You Arzak - Sage of the Desert and Solitary Warrior? Your mission is to fix an intricate machine located inside an isolated citadel located deep within the desert, by searching for its missing pieces within it's citadel location and surrounding vicinity - while keeping an eye out for local inhabitants as some may not be friendly at first! Powered by: University Lusofona- Center Universityitario de Lisbona.

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This is the second article about N´keady. In this article it is addressed the current development of this project. In addiction, it's provided some images of still-in-development components of the game.

Posted by Pekka_Men on Mar 27th, 2024

Hello again! Here is my second article regarding N'keady, my three-week project inspired by one of Moebius' Arzach comic books stories.

Given it was left unsaid in our first article despite images being shown, Arzak, an independent warrior and explorer featured in this comic book is our focal character in our game.

This game is currently under development using GB Studio with multiple color palettes.

At our core, the aim of this project remains creating an engaging and immersive game which captures both Arzak's story as well as Moebius dialogueless style.

In our second week, our team focused on perfecting the art and implementation of ideas from last week on an initial prototype game design.

Here are a few images to demonstrate what we have accomplished so far:

What the images represent (in-order of appearence):

  • The first image is the new icon of the game, made by our marketing artist.
  • The second image represents a preview of how enemies will look like in-game.
  • The third one represent a possible layout for one of the phases of the game.

About a week from now, the third and final article will come out and with it the game itself, so stay alert to any news about the game!

See you in one week!

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