DD#146 The Broken Veteran and The Unorthodox Father

orochi2k | [Neolithic]To the End |

An RPG from 2004, still updating. Now on Steam with English localization and available as DRM-Free content! Detailed story of memories associated with dying supernatural world, recalling everyone and everything along this journey of self discovery.

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Post news Report RSS DD#146 The Broken Veteran and The Unorthodox Father

1, The story in the Maze beneath Paddy Field continues. 2, A hospital and church have been added in Samujier. 3, Three new NPC have been introduced, such as Father Pucci/Obama/Father Emilio4. 4, New faith tenet 5. New Relic Item 6. Dr Jackel has expanded his purchases of corpse parts from you; 7, Many enemies now possess faith, while your 3D modeling skills now influence crafting results of many items; 8. Finally there's new dark humor from real-life China9. 9.

Welcome back for another edition of my developer diary! I had an extremely productive week as evidenced below.

First we reached the deepest section of the Maze under Paddy Field and encountered its owner: an elderly gentleman in a wheelchair who seemed to own this house with its accompanying Paddy Field and secret maze below it.

Imagine that after his packages failed for several months to deliver as planned. He may become increasingly unstable.
Are they talking about your main character's true identity or just providing some vaguely meaningful gibberish? Ultimately, only your interpretation will determine its truth or falsity; one thing for certain though - you will uncover clues of his past!

Instead of giving too much away about his story, I will focus on some inspirations behind this tale instead. War is something which never goes away; even today it rages on in different corners of the globe. Since February, Ukrainian heroes have defended their nation and freedom for over 620 days since last February. Israeli army is currently storming Gaza to seek justice against Hamas terrorists for killing five victims there on October 7th - these battles do not play out like Hollywood films! Warfare can be cruel and senseless; especially the modern kind with all its devastating weapons we humans created to kill each other. Everyday soldiers die or are wounded- some with physical wounds while some also sustain psychological injuries known as post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD symptoms. Perhaps fate was at work when this update coincides with Veterans Day celebrations this week in America?

Our story takes place long after a war has come and gone; yet in the eyes of an old veteran he may sometimes still see jungles or monsters lurking behind shadowy corners. You might also discover why so many scarecrows exist!

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