Update on the project (February 2024)

Dave Seaman | Captain Disaster and The Two Worlds of Riskara |

Captain Disaster responds to an urgent distress signal from an uncharted vessel... only to end up helping save an energy-starved planet from destruction by unearthing long-forgotten history of an intergalactic empire long thought dead... all while harboring a secret no one knows about!

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Post news Report RSS Update on the project (February 2024)

Update on game development, video showcasing some Act II locations, and much more...

CD finds himself on an alien world where there are more aliens, only to learn of an overwhelming problem affecting all. Being the kind person he is, CD decides to help out; upon arrival he meets up with an old acquaintance from "Death Has A Million Stomping Boots", demanding an apology for past events!

As we travel around to help the planet's inhabitants, we travel to another area with several characters to interact with and inventory puzzles involving inventory items - just like in olden days! In order to do our part and put plans into motion for saving humanity's destiny, this part of the game features only one character (other than remote communication with Zero-Bit, our ship's computer) for dialogue purposes as well as some inventory puzzles; its main emphasis being technical puzzles using interfaces for devices.

Again we travel to another locale, although in this instance (and due to its screenshot-led reveal) Captain Disaster finds himself transported into a digital realm after becoming dissatisfied with one or more security applications. Lorenzo was unfamiliar with TRON but made him watch for reference even if they did not like Jeff Bridges, this skit has an entirely unique feel compared to other parts of the game - its aesthetic differing significantly as you find mods and viruses instead of inventory items in this chapter of gameplay; you still possess inventory items but most are mods/viruses instead of items associated with inventory management applications; defeating this security application is key in understanding planet history but escape is always available as you need to get back out to reality for Act 3...

At this stage, I don't wish to offer too many details; all that can be revealed at this time is that we will travel to an unfamiliar part of Earth and meet completely unfamiliar aliens; dialogue here will provide insight into what has occurred over centuries on this world and why stakes are high presently. Unfortunately, due to time restrictions I won't include screenshots from this act yet... but just know you may well find yourself surprised by one aspect or another within it!

No screenshots for this yet as we have yet to make it! No spoilers needed here... only that Captain Disaster will primarily act as peacemaker (which won't always be easy...).

Planet Location Walkthrough.

Just a quick tour through some of Act 2's locations; my favourite location has to be the park with children playing there!

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