Legend of Gandar

Produkt | Role Playing |

The legend of Gandar'

The popularity of the first three dimentional Legend of Zelda game, Oncarina of Time, held great success' but It\\\'s only playable through an outdated console, or through the clunky and \\\"grey\\\" method of emulators and rom\\\'s' The Legend of Gandar is not a remake of this famous title, instead its an extention to the story' The story is placed far enough in advanced from the OoT title to remove characters and ideas covered by Intelectual Property laws'

The story has been staged to be compleated soon' it takes the story of a young man who\\\'s mother had been killed years ago by the evil Gandar' He is offered the chance to return back in time to save his mother but he must also defeat Gandar before he is able to claim power over the relm of Hirule''

Special features'
- The game will be featured on 2 platforms, the PC (Win/*nix) on the Quake 3 engine and as a Homebrew application for the PlayStation Portable using the Iris Engine'
- Low system requirements The levels, models, textures and effects will be designd to proform well on any computer' high end graphics cards will not be required' (Future updates to the PC version may include higher resolution textures, along with more detailed maps and models')
- Story expantions, Due to the use of the engine players will be able to create their own story to go along with the weapons'

Current Staff:
- Produkt: 2D Artist, Level Designer, Project Leader, co-story writer
- PSP Demon: Player/Weapon Modeler/animator
- DjRex: Weapon Modeler, Prop modeler'
- MGFox: Level design, co-story writer
- Cleaver: Architecture Assistant'

Avalible possitions
- PC Side coder (Windows/Linux C/C++)
- AI Coder (Capable of creating several types of enimies C/C++)
- Additional PSP Coder (no knowlage of the PSP coding required' C/C++)
- Character Animator
- Modeler with UVW Unwrapping experience' (Texturing is a plus but not required')

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Questions Arise

May 13 2006


With the Alpha version already on its way we have sat down to discuss some possible questions the Art Tem would like to reconsider. The art style, mostly in texturing. The original idea was a sub cartoony feel which would Mix in between World of WarCraft and Legend of Zelda: OoT. Recent Eye's we've had on E3 have pushed us to change our minds. With the new screenshots of Kill Zone for the PSP showing that we could implore more detail than we currently are.

Recently we placed a sample shot of what LOD we had planned to use but what we've learned... We may be capable of much, much more. In both texture and geometry (Strictly PSP)

Level Of Detail Sample
This was what we believed to be a high frame rate LOD (the PSP engine added grass and assorted foliage to the terrain) In fact, our new optoimizations occluders ect. we can now double almost tripple the polygon count and still retain 30 to 60 frames per second

We have one big questions to ask though, should we do with our art style? Continue with the cartoony approach or should we upgrade to a more realistic grungy art style?

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