Rogues Odyssey

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Prologue :

One of the last memorable moments of the American Revolution was Benjamin Franklin’s invention of the

“High Torque Gearbox” When asked what his inspiration was he stated that it was an accidental discovery.

He had originally planned on flying a kite during a lightning storm to test some theories but the storm dissipated.

So instead he stayed home and attempted to fix his broken clock. And that was when inspiration hit.
Sadly America’s story of inventiveness, hope and Independence seems
to have ended there. General Washington fled to parts unknown to avoid

Prosecution for various High Morale crimes and the American Revolution was swiftly crushed.
The British Monarchy chose wisely to use the Americas as a base of
operation to expand the Monarchy world wide. The Native population was
used as a

labor force and breeding stock to add to Britain’s population for the ever expanding campaign of land expansion.
In the final days of the campaign Russia and Asia were the last
hold-outs. The Queen annexed Germany’s best Fighters(a Group known as
the S.S)

and the Indians from the America territory and sent Russia a deadly blow. It was just a matter of time after that.

Asia fell in less then a year. To their credit, they were fierce enemies
and the death toll was so large that decades later Germany’s male
population still

has not fully recovered.
Today the world is in a perpetual state of Renaissance thanks to the
Empire. Churches were unified into a single institution the ” Royal
Angelical Church”.

As the protectors of Morality and Goodness they were put in charge of
the arts and sciences. Under their control society maintains an
acceptable moral

balance. As an odd side note ten years after the war the royal family
pressured the church to accept the use of Magic and alchemy. Under the
queens steady

pressure (and a few beheadings) the church accepted these fields as
sciences ordained by God. They are closely monitored by the church and
it is rumored to have

increased the wealth of the empire greatly.
Every individual is comforted about knowing there place in society.
The class system has become the norm.Now a man can relaxed and spend his
life working and

caring for his family without the pressure of becoming anything beyond
his means. Families prosper knowing what they have today they will have

Of course their is some shifting of political power through marriage.
But, this is minor compared to the stable structure the Royal House was

enough to give to us all.
Do not fret citizen, Rumors of Rogues (citizens who attempt to change
their status by force) openly defying the Royal House are simply not

These are fairy tales used to scare children. After all, Who would know
better then the Crown and the Church how every man should live his life.

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