Box Knight

imakegame software | Adventure |

Box Knight is a small hero looking to explore his world. But to do so he’ll need help solving block puzzles, evading lava, firey furnaces, falling boulders, slippery ice, floating angry rats and lots more!

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Box Knight Music & Future Plans Development

May 22 2011

Kole, a fantastic musician who composed the music tracks for Box Knight wrote an indepth article on the journey of Box Knight's music development and thought we would share! (Link below in big letters)

Also some info on the future of Box Knight! The number one complaint people seem to have is how it is only available currently on the iphone. I totally understand the annoyance, not everyone has an iphone or ipod touch, and I knew this going in. However at the time of Box Knight's imminent release I didn't have the resources nor time to coordinate multiple platform launching nor support them all giving them the love they deserve.

But now with Box Knight available for iOS we're looking to greener pastures to try to branch out to more people and let them play the game (or at least, something Box Knight-ish).

Currently we're looking into desktops as our next target of choice of the Windows/MACOSX variety and seeing if we can cook up some new and interesting approaches to the game making it extendable and more engaging for people. This may not mean a direct Box Knight port, but we'll see how time goes what sort of game best fits.

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