Massive Creek - The Explorers

ghost70 | First Person Shooter |

ALIENS ARE INVADING EARTH!!! You are brave! You are the best soldier! And the caps need you! Some alien spaceships landed in this wasteland, and made caves in the ground. Your goal is going down and down, discovering where the spaceships are located then... steal one of them!!! We need it to study their technology to destroy them! As secondary goal, take every energy unit you can, since they are a precious resouce for us, better than oil!!! You will learn everything just inside the base! Carefully read everything, since those hints could make the difference between life and death! What are you waiting for?! Go Go Go!!!

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New game version is out!

Apr 25 2011

Yes! I made it!!The new version is out! This version not yet contains the editor, but there are a good list of improvements and new features. This is the official list:

  • There is an improved algorithm to create the terrain: now the scenario is even more amazing, and there are many more big rooms (more dangerous!).
  • You can pause the game pressing the button “P”.
  • New special effects: when an alien is coming near to you, you will hear a sound!
  • Now you cannot jump from any height! beware: you risk to die!
  • Some agents captured several aliens, alive! Now they are imprisoned in the base, in a special room. You can use it to test your capabilities, make practice, etc… But warning: they can kill you! And don’t forget to “close the door”, or they will escape and invade your base!!!
  • Right-Mouse-Button (RMB) is used to “undo” a block placing. If you click with the left-mouse-button (LMB), then a yellow ghost-block appears: now click with RMB and the block disappear!
  • Corrected a bug in final score calculation.
  • A new song is included! It is called “Alien invasion” :-)
  • New game challenge: Try to complete a mission preserving a health more than 90%… in this case your final score will be multiplied by 10! Ten times more! The challenge is really hard if you play to medium or hard difficulty, since the aliens are really “wicked guys”!
    Hint: go slowly, carefully evaluate every single step you make in the ground! get cautious approach, or you will fail for sure!
  • The aliens, when they are near to you, will emit a sound. It means it will be very easy for you to check if an alien is behind your shoulders!

If you like this game, please support me, making a donation! I’m even looking for a sponsor, to help me in game development!!

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