Bear Story

Bearware | Platformer |

The original Bear Story Key Features

· A classic 2D platform game with a two player cooperative twist.
· Three playable characters, each with their own distinct skill set.
· Three character pair combinations. Players will need to play through the game with each combination in order to find every collectable.
· Piggyback mechanic. Combine the characters together, one runs and jump - the other attacks, to overcome many exciting challenges.
· Three exciting levels with multiple diverging paths.
· Awesome challenges which take full advantage of the two player set up - challenges which could not be overcome with just one character.
· Vast array of enemies including 3 level bosses.
· Support for both Keyboard and Gamepads.
· Play as Sergeant Snuggles, the grizzled war veteran, who uses his leaf blower/ vacuum device to blow objects and enemies around or launch your team member to normally out of reach places.
· Play as Pyro, the crazy pyromaniac, who can use fire both himself and other objects alight.
· Play as Ninja, the mysterious Ninja Girl, who uses her sword and blow darts to vanquish foes, and her great athleticism to dash through a level and climb up walls.

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New Version Coming Soon!

Oct 24 2010

Hi all,With our final deadlines approaching for Bear Story you'll be glad to hear that by the end of next week another version of Bear Story will be available for download!We have been working on this game project all year as part of the Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment degree at QUT. It is with both great joy and sadness that we see this project draw to an end.As a group we are determined to continue adding to Bear Story, eventually creating a lot more levels and bringing back our third character we had to unfortunately cut during development.

CHALLENGE!: Can you find the monument to our cut charcter hidden in our game ;)

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