'Soul of Azores' getting close! — Devlog #12

SeaSharp_Games | Soul of Azores |

Soul of Azores is a game where you are an explorer that was sent to the Azores islands to find, research and photograph the newly discovered dark corals in the mid-oceanic ridge, and during your adventure you start gathering new informations regarding the life under that warm sea. Just you, a camera and maybe some jellyfish trying to get to you, try to succeed and continue on with your mission to deliver good reports and researches.

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'Soul of Azores'

Devlog #12 — Getting Close!

Hi everyone, hope you are doing great! This week, we are making an update earlier, since we are excited to be able to show you some of the things we made throughout this week! Both the artist and programmer, were deep in making some alterations on some assets and changes in the level itself, with the game designer's help and guidance too, to make it the best we can for our audience!

So, what was made this week...

Well, to start, our artist, focused on getting the animations all corrected and done for it to be applied in game! Starting off with the Player's Swimming Animation and the Enemy animation — GIF 1, GIF 2 —, also a preview of what the idle would look like — GIF 3 —. He is still making some of them, and getting together the initial scene from the game, so you can better understand the narrative, while working on the sounds! Also, we would like to add, that again, we had to change the type of animation, since our artist was more comfortable doing frame by frame animation, so for a smoother work we decided to go for it!

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