Yggdrasil prototype released!

Noottu | Yggdrasil - VideoGames Lusófona |

Mar 12, 2024

Yggdrasil is a prototype for a one-player game for Gameboy based on Immigrant song by Led Zeppelin. You play as a Viking who recounts their comforting but trivial memories of home, while you are in a quest to discover new lands.

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Yggdrasil is the academic game based on Immigrant song by Led Zeppelin. It has been released now via. Yggdrasil was designed to provide a reflective environment for those who are feeling homesick. It is now open to everyone.

This game is for you if you ever feel like you've been working hard to reach your destination, but you still don't have a feeling of belonging.

In this top-down story puzzle, you'll be able arrange various components to recall the melodies of your home country.

In Yggdrasil, you take on the role of a witty Viking who is trying to recall memories of his homeland while following their mighty chief raider to new lands. This quest may or may NOT lead to your ultimate goal, which you may have assumed was to get a spot in Valhalla.

Our team made great progress this week! We have made huge progress this week!

We have succeeded in achieving our original vision for musical puzzles. Although the destination was initially a little unclear, we think we've captured the spirit of the original game.

After all this thinking we have updated the narrative structure to include which lyrics and riffs the levels were related to, leaving you with the following table:

The story begins with the Vicking boat. On the Vickings' boat, the captain asks the player to catch some fish as lunch. After completing the level's puzzle, the chest that contains the temperature of the land is opened.

Then we reach land and are instructed by the chief that we should get some dinner. This leads us to completing a new level and receiving healing herbs.

Our return to our camp was interrupted by our friends Vicki and Harald who were fighting a raid on our camp. Our friends, who are already at level 2, have been injured when we reach them. We use items we've acquired to heal their injuries. He tells us he has found a village whose residents might be able to help.

We are then met by strange people and the chief once more tells us that we need to get something. The wind forces us to climb a hill after we have found the piles of wooden objects and solved the puzzle.

As stated above, the game menu is also finished. Last week, we discussed this!

The artist and developer both worked on their respective submissions on the same day, regardless of whether we had finished the interfaces.

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