"Post-Balance" Cogmind Item Expansion

Grid Sage Games | Cogmind |

Experience sci-fi tactical combat and exploration in an unprecedented procedural world that blends traditional roguelikes with an immersive modern interface like no other! Craft yourself from components found or salvaged from other robots. Attach power sources, propulsion units, utilities and weapons in order to become anything from a slow tank bristling with weapons to fast flier zipping past enemies before they have time to react, or an assassin/hacker using stealthy sword-wielding techniques - or anything else creative you come up with when losing components changes the situation quickly as components become lost and rebuilt from enemy remains! You are the Cogmind; discover just what that means as you explore this vast, alive world ruled by robots!

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Post news Report RSS "Post-Balance" Cogmind Item Expansion

Where we go next in Cogmind item development - with an analysis of balance levers and introduction of "chargeables." Big things ahead!

Beta 11 represented an enormous milestone in Cogmind development. I detailed its significance here last year. Since then, results from its revisions have been spectacular, so what lies next for Cogmind development?

Fun. Fun abounds.

Beta 12 marked an initial step in this new direction with expanded garrisons, faction interactions and Scrap Engine being introduced; but its main thrust remains: adding many new items and maps for them to inhabit (Kacper is even on board! :P). Also being released will be new tiles from Kacper himself!

Cogmind was in full-time development for over 10 years and introduced many interesting side mechanics along the way, but most of our focus has been centered around improving and expanding on its core experience and content. While procedural generation may keep gameplay unpredictable and unpredicable at times, special items and rare encounters ensure every run remains fresh and exciting!

Well, since Beta 11, that's exactly where we find ourselves: shifting focus more and more toward brand new elements that don't need to meet any core content accessibility standards. There's already hundreds of hours' worth of core content; now it's time for rare items, hard-to-acquire tech and challenging optional opponents and their implications to surface.

As part of my drive, for months now I've been creating over one hundred unique items, many with innovative mechanics. Some items take days or even weeks to construct due to being so intricate!

At the time of Beta 11's rebalance, Cogmind contained approximately 1,021 items; since then I have increased this by 11% - most of these unreleased ones being part of Cogmind rebalancing efforts.

Sourcing Ideas
I don't sit around thinking up ideas explicitly when coming up with new items and mechanics for games; great concepts often arise spontaneously through random conversations among players, reactions to game situations, playing other games and media consumption - ideas which I often take note of for later use as there simply isn't enough time or opportunity available now for implementation of all ideas that arise.

Being involved with Cogmind for several years now, my list has grown quite extensive over time, and now that more space will soon become available I reviewed all of it once more this year.

At present, this list isn't structured at all - instead consisting of ideas slipped in wherever they may occur, all under a heading known as "post-1.0 items," chosen during alpha when this site first came together.

Here, "post-1.0" simply refers to after all core functionality has been completed; therefore we're at an appropriate point in time (regardless of versioning systems or whether people consider Cogmind past what most would consider "1.0")

Going through everything was time-consuming (including eliminating tech which had since been implemented without my recalling them as listed :P), but eventually I managed to identify several fun ideas which will no doubt add an exciting layer to Beta releases in future months. None are central components; rather they simply help add something different or special that keeps runs fresh without becoming repetitive over time!

Balancing Levers
"Post-balace" in this article's title does not indicate no balance at all; on the contrary.

As is evident by its success, Cogmind values balance. At first this means adhering to carefully designed patterns and formulae; but over time Cogmind also develops with new content, either nearer its center or further away on its edges.

At first glance, core items require only simple stats for balance purposes, yet when dealing with fringe items the balance needs may require unique approaches to ensure balance is preserved. Some mechanisms for doing this might include giving an item limited uses; other measures might involve something item-specific--the Dirty Datajack being generally great while occasionally becoming unpredictable before eventually blowing up when power sources explode - however these additional mechanisms must still work to achieve equilibrium and not create imbalance.

Rare and difficult-to-acquire items provide us with another means of making new things even cooler than usual, which is our main goal here; but most items still may require their own set of compensating factors once acquired.

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