Gas harvester [Update]

TechLevel_3D | Spaceship Commander |

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Post news Report RSS Gas harvester [Update]

This update includes an apparatus capable of gas collection (gas harvesting drone). This machine can extract gas from cosmic gas clouds (known as gas concentrates).

This update introduces an apparatus (gas harvesting drone). Capable of extracting gas from cosmic gas clouds (known as gas concentrates), its location can be found within space locations containing gas and dust accumulations which were also added in this update; one such location being formed as a result of powerful impacts from stellar winds on planet Vreada which caused part of its atmosphere to dissipate into space.

To obtain the Gas Harvester Launcher module you require a special module from which the drone can already be launched; these can be purchased at Merchant Fleet stations (i.e. home station). Once purchased it can be installed in any generic slot on a ship.

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