X13 is a game based around the darkly real issues of the Earth's reliance on fossil fuels. In the future, the planet/moon Titan becomes a battlefield for two major energy corporations, The T.F.S(Terrestrial Fuel Solutions) and the S.E(Stellar energies), who both are vieing for the solution to earth's future and with it, political domination.

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Jul 25 2010

The Story (So far)

Earth has used up its fossil fuels, and is desperately looking for a solution, some sort of energy to save itself. In the corporately controlled earth of the future, two companies stand out from the competition. Previous attempts at colonizing planets took humankind to Titan. However, a lack of funding from corporations spelled disaster, and the thousands who went to Titan did not last longer than a few months.

In these months, however, there were deposits of alien minerals found to hold uberanium, a previously unknown element that could possibly save the human race. Scientists at Stellar Energies seem to have found a way to convert uberanium into untold amounts of energy. Industrial espionage has led this information being brought to their biggest competitor and deeply hated rivals: Terrestrial Fuel Solutions. If either company is able to successfully mine and control the shipments of uberanium, would mean more money and political power than ever before. Of course, corporations were never known for playing fair.All out warfare is being conducted between the two mega corporations for domination on Titan.

When money is involved, there are no heroes.

(This is all were publicly letting out)


So as you can see we have some work done, have a level designer, a coder and a Music artist! So what do we need?

Well we are in dire need of the follow,

  • Concept artist
  • 3d/2d Artist
  • Possibly another Unreal script guru
  • Website designer/programmers
  • Anyone that wants to be actively en-gaged in this project and wants to learn UDK


We personally like to keep a video blog about the development of the game and i usually shoot all my videos in 1080p so once we finish Warhouse we will add a Youtube channel were you will actively be able to follow our progress! (not to say we will leave this page un-updated :D)

Current team

  • Me(Sobez): Level designer/UDK semi guru
  • Olan: Another level designer
  • Tobad: C++/Unrealscript Programmer
  • Mikhos: Music/Story/2D Artist
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