Futuristic space warfare that focuses visceral combat. Battle in large scale wars fighting with different classes of ships. Coming soon to Xbox Live Indie Games.

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Black Sun: Transmission 001

Jul 31 2010

Welcome to our first news update for Black Sun. For this update, I will go over briefly a summary of what we have been discussing on our website for a while.

For those who do not know, Black Sun is a visceral space combat game that focuses heavily on the combat itself and not so much the pure tedious simulation that other games of this genre tend to apply. When we set out to create this game, we wanted to revive a genre that has seen very little attention over the past decade. We wanted to take the fun and excitement that StarFox, Wing Commander, Freelancer, Free Space, and the Star Wars series of games had and bring it to a new generation of gamers using the current generation of tech to create even bigger spectacles and scale, not seen in the genre.

We chose to develop for Xbox 360 using the XBL Indie Games service as our platform, we decided on this because we believe we can help the service (and dare I say reputation) by taking the time and effort to create a very polished game on gameplay and technical terms that has not really been seen on the service. We really want to push the system as far as we can.

We've developed a full 3D engine to take advantage of the Xbox 360's power, we are able to do things that you would normally see on a big budget retail game. Though still in its infancy, we are already able to render an incredible amount of ships on a huge scale at 60 FPS. Now keep in mind this will all change by the final game since we have not implemented features such as our lighting system, post processing, etc. This was all a result of a demo stress test.

As for the actual game itself, I cannot speak much of it at the moment, what I can tell you is that we are crafting an entire single player campaign and there will be a focus on online multiplayer. We really wanted to push ourselves as developers to really make a game that stands above the rest in the service and that helps reviving a dying genre.

We thank you for your support, we are going to try to keep this page up to date as possible.

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