Dev Diary #73: Maximum Razzle and Dazzle

Deckpoint Studio | Freeborn |

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Post news Report RSS Dev Diary #73: Maximum Razzle and Dazzle

Hope everyone is having an incredible start to their New Year! Much like many of you, our holiday season was especially hectic for us; in order to share what has been accomplished thus far for Ekosi Battle Board users and ourselves alike we provide this sneak preview of its user interface and visual effects we created!

Initial efforts of our engine update entailed fixing or completely replacing core systems that had become broken, while simultaneously making changes to overworld environments and expanding Ekosi board functionality. After years without making significant upgrades to Ekosi board itself, recent years has seen us complete comprehensive reworks on every element and visual effects associated with round completions; our previous user interface (UI) had limited support for 4k resolution or ultra wide screens so with this latest upgrade nearly complete, Ekosi will soon be optimized to perform on modern setups!

Ekosi was long overdue an update, since our previous UI did not support 4k resolution or ultra wide screens. Now with almost full completion of the update, Ekosi will be set for modern setups!

Our next demo release should incorporate these new UI features, though there may still be additional reworks required before we preview those modifications in an update. In addition, there's an entirely new gameplay component which will completely alter player journey - we can't wait to show it but won't spoil anything just yet; for now let's just say it will add an exciting social dynamic into gameplay!

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