Light, Camera, and Trailer! | Crystalled Bullets - Dev Diary

DeadRuins | The Crystalled Bullets |

This FPS game revolves around using magical guns and pickaxes with individual abilities!

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Post news Report RSS Light, Camera, and Trailer! | Crystalled Bullets - Dev Diary

As part of today's Crystalled Bullets Dev Diary Video transcript and text article series, I will talk about how I created and updated the trailer as well as progress made towards cave features and additional projects. This text article serves as an adaptation from said video for reading convenience.

Today I've been busy creating assets, such as 3D models, maps and enemies for cave-themed maps. Unfortunately I won't show all my creations now because my Twitter weekly Development Update requires posting them all there first.

What I have in front of me now is Crystal Crab, an aquatic monster which stalks its prey until they come within range and explodes! In order to defeat this beastly opponent you will require weapons compatible with its enemy; such as Red/Flame Pistol for Green/Poison Crystal Crab or Blue/Dual Rope Shotgun for Blue/Tropic Crystal Crabs.

My goal for the game is to maintain its pace through switching up combat situations against human and creature opponents.

As Half-Life and Metro 2033/Last Light did, now you have another way of watching progress! Just come over to my Discord Server and visit me (this may well be cross advertising, though!). (Yup - that was quite shameless of me...)

Once I complete some Cave-Themed Map and other design work for the game's Demo version, and when all other work on its button prompt menu interface and other details is complete, my goal for 2018 is to release its Demo as planned - my resolution for 2018.

Allow's get into today's main topic. I want this Dev Diary entry to be quicker paced; more focused on game development rather than video production. Let's discuss how a trailer was first made!

First Trailer I outlined two objectives. First is that it should describe the essential rules of gameplay; Second is helping viewers grasp its storyline and atmosphere.

As for time constraints, I chose "before 2024".

Before I could create the trailer for this video, it is essential to do some work that would make my game look good enough to present through Trailer.

First I decided to improve Male Enemy Soldier designs; specifically regular soldiers. Take a good hard look - his arms and fingers were poorly drawn while his clothes' look wasn't great either; clearly it needed improvement!

Other than that, I wanted the two female characters from this game - Krocca and Accone - to appear prominently in the trailer as well. For that purpose I made some merchandise using them that was shown. Furthermore I added Krocca features as companion and assistant so she would appear during gameplay as an aider of sorts.

As for Her talking sequence: As an interim measure, I've turned to an AI text2speak tool called "VOICEPEAK", since my budget does not allow for hiring real voice actors. Still, as this tool can be commercially utilized I may use it instead if necessary.

(If there are any Japanese people watching who would like to assist me with voice-over narrations, feel free to come join the effort!) Additionally, making all those lip sync animations required significant effort but was certainly worthwhile trying.

As for Aconne, these sprites were created so I could show that she is being imprisoned by these guys; to demonstrate how she has become one of their victims.

As previously discussed with Krocca, Accone will become part of your party in this game as she features prominently throughout. I wanted both girls to appear prominently in the trailer so created some stuff featuring both of them specifically to include in there as part of it all.

As I wanted Krocca to serve as a companion and helper to the player, I added her as an assist feature. For Her talking sequence I am using an AI text2speak called VOICEPEAK because obviously I lack funds to hire professional voice actors - the tool itself being commercially usable nonetheless!

So I made up an audio sample so I have something ready if the real voice actor doesn't show. (If there are any Japanese people watching that would like to help with voiceover work, please come help me!)
Making lip-sync animations took considerable work but paid dividends; their convincingness made the effort well worthwhile.

Aconne was designed as one of the main protagonists. My aim with her character was to show viewers that she has become part of these men's world; that she has fallen under their care. As with Krocca, my current plan is to add this girl as another companion; however, implementing such features may take more time.

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