Mutant Karate Canary demo update

Troldkarlens Hat | Mutant Karate Canary Demo |

MKC blends 80s and 90s Saturday Morning TV characters, deck-building strategies and turn-based 2d tactics in a classic 1vs1 fight game setting.

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Upgrade your fighter by adding new characters, areas and one new rule.

Upgrade Fighter in Hideout

Now you can earn Upgrade Tokens you can use to upgrade your fighter at the Arcade machine in Hideout.

Upgrade Tokens can be acquired by leveling after nightfall or finding them hidden throughout your city or hideout. Permanent upgrades remain active even when resetting the game.

Your fighter will now have a cap on how many cards they can carry when out fighting crime.
If you reach the cap you can fuse cards together to make room for more cards.

Other Changes

  • New animation controller for all fighters
  • Objective arrows for all quests missions
  • Police are more aggressive
  • Optimization
  • Tons of smaller things..

Bug fixes

  • Pizza delivery
  • Some z fighting
  • Close button for all shop when using controller
  • Skip button, when getting rewards
  • Get 0 xp you get everything unlocked fixed
  • Scanner not working after "you better get home" message
  • Enemy cards with wrong text fixed
  • Wrong times on starting deck
  • Pause menu fix in city
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