Hi from Sandbox! I would love to hear from you!!

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Post news Report RSS Hi from Sandbox! I would love to hear from you!!

"I can hardly express how thrilled and thrilled I am to write to all of you today. Perhaps you are wondering, after 10+ years since Sandbox last officially came out, people continue contacting me about its value to them; which confirms for me that something special exists within its realm, requiring me to do all that I can do support its community.

That says to me that there really is something special about Sandbox, and that at the very least I need to do what I can to support the community.

I have thought about moving Sandbox to another engine such as Godot or Unreal, or even seeing what kind of updates people are interested in for the current version. I think the Discord would be a great place to chat about all of that.

I'm also very interested in hearing stories about what Sandbox has meant to you, and why you like Sandbox so much. Perhaps I could even post them on the website and Discord.

It is those stories that really motivate me because I created Sandbox in order to help people. While I was teaching I just was too overwhelmed to do much with Sandbox. Now I have more free time and there is nothing I enjoy more than brightening up people's days.

I'm also going to be updating the front page of the site and perhaps more as well.

I would absolutely love to hear from you. Thank you so much for supporting me and Sandbox for all this time.

I hope you have a great EVERY DAY!

And last but not least, check some awesome screenshots that were recently sent in to me from Vini!

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