Game Description

Maze Roser is an Indie Maze-Puzzle Platform computer game, Based on the original Maze game title idea from 2000s indie game genre, Our Indie PC Windows Game has created with the full designed and details, Player can movement through in the direction maze generated area, Find the escape routes, Collecting the item supplies in later levels, Avoiding by the enemies and hazarous machines went through in the levels, It has keyboard support to the moving fast forward functional with the droids to play at home, Even as a Kids and Adult to play this game.

Key to moves into the surrounding maze generated area in the level, Seek into the different path type of weapons and items supplies task in the scene and try not to get hit by someone else from the true nature of living machines by the climate change.

Story Background

It is setting all day with the bright light from the big building, Industries economic formula of the inhabitants states, Many car traffic road track from the long miles country road, There was an living machines laboratory, With the built electronic devices has an television, radio speaker, CD player, fridge cooling, electronic fan, air conditioner and more, Droids workers all around in the factors manufacturing process of the mechanical engines works supplies by the product model, Carrying with the loaded up truck into the domained household constructed right ordered, With the natural life was reflected, When suddenly, The global weather conditions something went torn off, Causing by the climate changes with natural disastrous took place in the metropolitan states, Wasting with their repairing power supplies, Economic majorly issues ongoing, Everything else that has an true movement and natures, The machines manufacturing company soon will turned greedy and enslavement machines make them over for ruining their metropolitan states.

Not for long with the only one droids machines, If they are living machines was uprising and turn the world into wasteland from great disaster, Machines could possibly make them fulfilled with climate change and weather conditions from issues happening, When the droids decided to get off from the worker and it had enough, Break through from the constructed machine worker and manage escape from the laboratory, With the speculation seek and capture every single droids originally worker, Where they going into the natural living nature like garden, Water fulfilled and tries to protecting themselves by the attacker of uprising machines, When the greedy man living personal whole take onto the built with the big leveler machines heading toward to the living nature garden place, Including with the green hills, mountain, trees and more.

When the Droids must go onto the journey with the green natures and find their water supplies and energy sources for the plants, Picking up some worker droids to keep the giant tree household and protecting from the attacker and true natures grave dangerous machines, With the solo of droids and tasks, Find the way into the distant landfield built into the giant tree forest, Planting filled with the garden grown up flowers and blossom, Shut down machines laboratory from the global warming and weather issues, In order to restore climate change weather condition and keep metropolitan states alive.

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Long awaited with the second one.

It's been about few weeks past, Since the development of Maze Roser, The Second Prototype Version will be difference than the first version one were made around past few weeks and days, With the support of game controller display on-screen, Flying ships go through in the title screen will be new details, With the 40-levels of Tech-Demo Course via available to play on the Maze Roser, There was an several levels things were the major bugging functionality were taken sections of Maze Roser projects.

Featuring with the items supplies that contains with the basic picking-up items by the main-player, When the Purple Crystal and door past gate been working onto the later levels were tested with the quality, Which the several levels will not yet been opened till next few weeks in the game development progress, Main-Player can move faster, When the keyboard can release away from the moving droids, It will go faster than the sluggish controls, I whole a lot of among coding time and lines of game programming object itself, It sets like the player can fast and go through escape routes were able to processed into the next levels.

Maze Roser Second Prototype Version is now available to play on the Small indie games, 40-Levels of total gameplay with Tech Demo Course, With the items supplies, Special Effects, Title Screen and Demonstration Mode were added and included the game.

You can try em out with the Second Prototype Version here, There is the more design and details of newer version is much further more in the prototype version states, Look for the news and updates to see more previews upon soon.

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