
lamaZ Game Studio | Arcade |

MoleMan is a 2D Sidescrolling Autorunner about the fictional hero 'MoleMan' who is helping blind moles to find their true love. MoleMan was created by TheLuigiplayer & KG20 in 2019

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You can play MoleMan in your browser. However it is still recommended to download the game for the following reasons:

  1. Better Performance

  2. More supported Languages & Setting Options

  3. Configurable Controls

  4. More Reliable Pause Menu

  5. To take Screenshots

There are two ways to play MoleMan:

  • Keyboard + Mouse

  • Controller


  • Fly Up: W | Up-Key | Controller Left Stick

  • Fly Down: S | Down-Key | Controller Left Stick

  • Aiming: Mouse | Controller Right Stick

  • Shooting: Left CTRL | Left Mouse | Controller Back R

  • Pause: ESC | Controller Start

  • Screenshot: F6 | Controller Back L


  • Training: To practice aiming, based of Easy Difficulty and without Ducks

  • Classic: Four different Difficulties, the Goal is to make 10 Mole Pairs, Highscores are only saved offline

  • Endless: Based of Extreme Difficulty, no goals except to get the highest score possible, highscores are saved online

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