Da New Guys

Wadjet Eye Games | Point and Click |

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are witnessing the impossible..."

Brain - the worst brawler in the history of the Wrestle Zone - has won the title belt! Not even his team-mates Simon and Defender can believe it. But when Brain gets kidnapped (along with the belt), it's up to them to get him back.

Street-fights, car chases, and obssessed fans all stand in the way of Brain's rescue. But as the reluctant heroes find themselves descending ever deeper into the city's darkest corner, they learn that their problems are only just beginning...

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The Getaway Bundle

Aug 28 2012

Indie Royale is back with a bundle that will take you on unique adventures from the comfort of your own living room: "travel" to the moon, the American Old West, a starship called the Mungunghwa, and more with the Getaway Bundle featuring six independent games, including exclusive debut Super Amazing Wagon Adventure!

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