NOTE: THIS IS NOT A HALO MOD, this is a Marathon mod, if you've never played it


Marathon: INFESTED is set in the vast and deep world of Marathon (, the player is a cyberneticaly enhanced supersolder, a world destroyer, the last of 10 Mjolnir Mark IV Cyborgs to be created by the United Earth Space Council. When the destruction of a colony killed 9 of these cyborgs, one remained. This last cyborg saved the Star-ship "Marathon", repelled the Pfhor invasion, and pushed these alien creatures to the edges of the galaxy.

Marathon: Infested has no campaign, but will instead feature an challenging solo/coop mode called "Survival". In this game type, players will fight either solo or together to destroy waves of monsters. Play Survival on your favorite Marathon maps, including classics like Route 66 and Thunderdome, as well as all new maps made just for Survival.

Gametypes from the original Marathon games are also available, such as "King of the Hill", "Kill the Man with the Ball", and others! Play against bots, or against other players, LAN or online.

Operating Systems:

Mac OS X 10.4+
Windows XP/Vista+

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To all ModDB users who have watched this game progress, many apologies for the lack of updates. I try my best to get news out to all the websites I use, but sometimes I miss one or two by accident. I hope this update makes up for the lost time...

I have made tremendous progress since my last update here. The engine I am using has improved considerably, and I now am using per-pixel lights, and multitexturing for my own lightmaps/AO bake. Currently shaders work, but are being integrated with lightmaps, so there are no shaders in use for these pictures.


* Imported all monsters into project.
* Basic rigging/animation/SFX for Pfhor Fighter
* Basic rigging/animation/SFX for Pfhor Trooper
* Basic rigging/animation/SFX for Cyborg
* Basic rigging for Juggernaut
* Basic AI for Cyborg/Fighter/Trooper/Drone
* New lightmaps/lighting FX for Thunderdome
* New lightmaps/lighting FX for Route 66
* Modeled/Textured Cyborg Grenade
* Created new projectiles for Fighter/Trooper/Cyborg
* New Normal/Specular maps for Sewage Set
* New Normal/Specular maps for Lava Set
* And more that I can't remember now...

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