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RoboMinion is a 2D puzzle game in a 3D world. The goal of the game is to get the little robot to his destination, the finish tile. There is one problem however, the little robot can only turn to his right, so you have to guide him by placing different types of objects on the map. The are many types of objects to interact with and over 50 maps. If that is not enough, you will be able to create your own maps using the built-in editor and share them with your friends.

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RoboMinion update: Alpha

May 4 2012

For this update, we’ve got the following:
We’ve added 6 new maps and 1 new game object; the teleport. The teleport is very basic, there are a couple of them on the map and you can decide which ones are active. You can only have 2 active at the same time, so by switching them on and off you can teleport around the map and make it to the finish. Here is how it looks.

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