Fragment Planet

STIX Games | Real Time Strategy |

Fragment Planet is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where the earth has been destroyed because of a experiment to gain a new energy source. During the explosion the fragments of the old world have been charged with this energy, which kept them flying and made it possible for the last humans to survive. Years after the accident the newly formed fractions are fighting in a great war to conquest flying islands and to regain lost technology.

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First Update - Biplanes, new compressor, island-transporter...

Apr 4 2012

This is the first real update and the last before the first release, but please be aware that it is not a final release! It is a alpha release with 4 units... it's only purpose is to show you the concept of the game (I think the best name would be "concept demo").

But let's start with the real update. I won't talk about bugfixes or anything like that because you don't see a difference anyway, but I can tell you that I mainly fixed bugs in the last months and I tried to change only those things that were important for the gameplay. I also made bigger changes to some of the models because they didn't fit the setting of the game. A sci-fi/podracer jet does not fit in a steampunk game so I changed its model to a biplane! It still shoots homing missiles because they are easier to code and look cooler.

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