Stellar Assault: FSO

Stellar Assault Team | Futuristic Sim |


It is the year 3218, jump into the cockpit of some of the most advanced fightercraft seen in any space-shooter; the Feather-Series. From the Highly Maneuverable Feather1, to the Tank-Like Feather2, and to the Ultra-Light Feather4, the Human Race has the most devastating weapons ever seen in battle.
Our alien opponents, the Veslans, have been in space only since the 2500s and have expanded to create an Empire that spans 17 Star Systems. Recently we have begun to send a Colonial Mission to the Epsilon Eridani Star System in the hopes of spreading our colonial reach. Unknown to us, the Veslans had already begun colonizing a planet we had slated for Terra-forming. Synthesis unknowningly bombards the planet with comets to begin the process of reconfiguring the world for Human Habitation. The Veslans living on the planet are vaporized in the repeated comet impacts. The Veslan Government perceives the Human Terraforming method as an act of war and genocide. But because of superior human technology, they are immediately beaten in the first battle.
Two years pass, and the Veslans learn from their mistakes and return to Epsilon Eridani to remove the human presence once and for all. The struggle for Epsilon Eridani lasts another 3 years before the Veslans to finally eject Synthesis from the Star-System, demoralizing and badly humiliating the colonial corporation.
It isn't until they are beaten that Synthesis alerts the Solar Government of the Conflict 14 light-years away, the Solar Government Navy is immediately mobilized to intercept the Veslan Fleet at Saturn. The Veslan Super-Carrier "Ganeluza" is no-where to be seen however and is spotted an hour later behind SGN lines, launching raids in the Astroid Field, the Shipyards at Mars, and finally at Earth. It is approaching evening at Caen, France and the SGN/SSF Joint Garrison is ordered to scramble to intercept the Ganeluza and her escorts.

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It's That Slow Time of Year

Jan 6 2011

Gotta love the Holidays!

Or not... We were planning on getting our demo released a month ago, unfortunately, just as the October ended and November rolled around, development came to a virtual stop. I utterly failed to anticipate just how much the holiday and midterm exam season would bring our team to a halt, but it did. We've seen several draft missions come to the SVN and we've even added new Mission Designers to the staff, however inspiration has been slow coming as much as the new content. In short, I apologize for getting anyone's hopes up.

However, since the holidays have finally ended, we've picked right back up where we left off. New Models are again in the works and I've been cracking the whip to bring the mission designers back on task.

As far as eye-candy is concerned, there isn't too much new. Beyond a redesigned Feather2 which has been in the works for a while now, the Medelus class cruiser is also finished along with a few new civilian space-craft.

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