
SkareKrow | First Person Shooter |

Definition: (from Lat' trepidus, "anxious") A state of alarm or dread; apprehension' See Synonyms at fear' An involuntary trembling or quivering' The word is used technically in astronomy for an imagined oscillation of the equinoxes'

Trepidation: It's hard to be human'

In a not so far future, evolution will take it's course and being human is going to be very hard'''

Life always find it's way' Mutation occurs, nature tries, nature fails' But sometimes, somehow, the lottery is won and two poor mutated freaks are able to breed'''

Around 2550 (?) the old human race is facing two new races: The Fair (homo sapien superior) and the Ogre (homo sapien truculentus)'

Fair are the winner of intelligence' Tall, light weight, pale skin, pointy eyes pointy ears and a very big brain' Not as tough as human, they are quicker and make formidable opponent in combat'

Trepidation Technology:
Trepidation uses the IOQ3 Quake 3 Engine' The game code itself uses Quake 3's 1'32 point release as a foundation as opposed EF' (Just wanted to make that clear)' The Trepidation master server code is based on DPMaster a GPL master server for Quake 3 and Dark Places' The Trepidation Project Began April 10th, 2006'

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Mar 17 2007


I've officially left the development team. Nothing has been getting done unless either Shafe or I did it, so screw these guys. They have said they are dedicated and then... what, they dont even show up in the forums to talk to us. I posted that I was leaving about last week, and... only one person replied in that time, then the replies started flowing in. Absence for a week? Sorry, but no.

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