Broadsword Tutorial Devlog

Refractal Studio | Broad Sword |

Broad Sword: All Out Fantasy Warfare offers you an immersive battlefield view of large fantasy battles. Command formations of units as you seek objectives, kill enemy combatants and claim victory! Combat is class-based with various weapon loadouts leading to different playstyles and battlefield roles; spearmen might hold a battle line while swordsmen break through defenses while archers rain arrows on enemies while you control which allied allies appear next! Thanks to captureable spawn points and objectives you have complete control of which allies come to help or hinder you along your way - making combat class-based while weapons loadouts make each class-specific so it allows players complete freedom when choosing how they want their teammate(s). With controllable spawn points and objectives you have control of which allies appear when in order for battle!

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Broadsword now features an accessible tutorial and five fantasy races on three maps for its VS mode! Read through its update notes for further information, and don't forget to Wishlist Broadsword on Steam!

Since my last update, a lot of development work has taken place and with the recent launch of our tutorial build I felt now was an appropriate time for an update to provide details. Since last time we met here, following features have been implemented:

This tutorial area marks the very start of our narrative storyline and will lead into our narrative campaign. As you take on the role of an human militia captain being trained by Elven military units, you will gain knowledge on unit formations as well as Spawn and Objective Point control - I can't wait to see how players react and update accordingly!

Original Map From Tech Demo of Game This map showcases an enclosed courtyard featuring three objective points along its central row.

An ancient temple built prior to the establishment of Elven Empire. This map features large ramps and elevated causeways leading up to three objective points at its centre - perfect for playing King of the Hill style gameplay! Just don't let your opponent corner you by seizing all surrounding spawn points!

At the start of every new campaign lies a small village. Both teams must push into this village in order to compete over two objectives within it - its fate will only become known after campaign completion!

As playtesting of the game expands, things may alter; each faction's stat lines have been adjusted in response to unique tactics of its opponent factions. At present they share five troop types - Swordsmen, Bowmen, Great Swordsmen, Skirmishers and Pikemen with light or medium/heavy armor as their primary units; though additional unit types will likely emerge along its development roadmap.

Humans: Representing an accurate representation, they provide a solid baseline to all other factions.

Elves: Faster base movement speeds and slightly better armor at the cost of less soldiers per unit, heavy units possess the maneuverability comparable to medium units of other factions.

Dwarves offer slower base speed and formation size in exchange for larger health pools and much higher armor protection levels.

Orcs: Lower armour with an impressive health pool due to ruggedness. Excellent move speed and formation size capabilities.

Undead: Light and medium troops are very fragile but appear in large swarms; heavy death knights serve as more tanky anchors in smaller units; all undead units benefit from quick health regen due to dark magic, giving all undead units fast health regeneration rates.

Going Forward: Once I receive approval of this playtest build on Steam, playtesting will commence shortly afterwards. As feedback from play testers comes in I will begin work on narrative campaign starting with two missions that are part of the final demo before expanding it up to 10 missions with planned 10 mission narrative arc and adding additional unit types, maps and wave survival mode (in part of development phase 1). I decided not to include online multiplayer in 1.0 release roadmap due to time restrictions; if demand warrants later addition.

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