Clothing demand leaves heads spinning

Hakk Games | Mercatorio |

Economy simulation game with a sophisticated trading system where prices are exclusively determined by the supply and demand of the market participants. The game is set in medieval times and features dozens of production buildings that can be combined to form increasingly complex production chains, as your characters gain the skills to unlock more advanced production methods. Meanwhile your ships carrying raw materials or end products sail across a huge world to find the best prices. The game is browser based (mobile and PC supported) and runs at hourly ticks.

Post news Report RSS Clothing demand leaves heads spinning

The combined forces of common households now looking to purchase a larger portion of their clothing needs at the market, and the introduction of more complex textile products and production methods, have shifted the terrain of the market considerably in the last couple of Mercatorio years (that’s 24 hours in our timezone).

Clothing demand leaves heads spinning

The combined forces of common households now looking to purchase a larger portion of their clothing needs at the market, and the introduction of more complex textile products and production methods, have shifted the terrain of the market considerably in the last couple of Mercatorio years (that’s 24 hours in our timezone).

Textile production building count doubled

Four new production buildings for the textile production chain have been introduced:

  • Retting pit — flax plants may now be brought to a dedicated area for more efficient threshing and retting. Retting is the process where the soft material is left to rot away, allowing the stronger flax fibres to be extracted. The linseed is also collected and currently treated as grain.
  • Spinnery — flax fibres and wool are spun into linen thread and yarn respectively. This is a labour intensive process and moving it to a dedicated production building allows commoner households a second (partial) wage earner. Granted, this is a slight departure from the medieval era, where spinning predominantly took place in the home, but it does help making spinning, as well as textile production as whole, more visible in the towns, which it rightfully should be.
  • Dye boiler — with the introduction of dyed cloth we also need dye. The dye boiler extracts this from various plants, currently flax (for blue dye) and herbs (for, eh, blue dye — but more to come)
  • Dyeworks — the most capital intensive step, the dyeing process, takes place here. Cloth is left to simmer in dye to absorb the new colour.

Building boom

While more primitive production methods allow for bypassing the new steps (eg. the weavery can still consume fibres directly), this is inefficient compared to dedicated production buildings. As such, a building boom has ensued to cover the increased demand for dyed and coloured garments in the most efficient fashion. Spinneries are quick to construct, while the dyeing steps will require some more time.

How to capitalise on this new demand

It can often be hard to chart a path to a profitable enterprise in Mercatorio, we don’t play because it’s easy (but because we thought it would be easy…) The textile boom currently underway is bound to make some fortunes along the way, but it won’t last forever, and in Mercatorio as in the real world, shortages tend to be followed by gluts.

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