Revive&Prosper;: Early Access & user experience update

Oct 26 2023 | Revive and Prosper |

So what is Revive & Prosper?

It's indie game developed by very very small team.

You play from third person and control group of survivors on their path through wasteland into the their paradise. To do that you need to use your survivors to adapt the environment to their survival but with understanding and care so you actually help the environment it self.

You are playing in voxel world (with a slight improvement ) which you can change by digging and placing soil from the first moment the game starts. There is water and acid element in the world which can help you or create you more problems on your way through the level.

The final game should have a campaign where you can get through to the end of the game, but it will also contain custom "sandbox" levels, editor and integrated platform to share and rate your levels.

The game it consists of multiple mechanics which will effect each other.

  1. You are god. You can't do any direct actions in your world but you can give orders to the characters to do them. So you plan all the works, buildings etc..
  2. There is up to 20 (probably) characters on start of each map and at least one should survive for next map. They need to eat, drink, sleep and they do all the works that you planed for them. You can control per character which type of work he prefer and hours when he will work.
  3. Voxel world which ground is composed of rocks and soil and can changed by the characters by digging or by placing the soil.
  4. Water is flowing through the word. You can't create water sources but you can't control where is flowing by digging the ground.
  5. Moisture of each soil is affected by water flowing around, vaporization by sun and flora/objects placed on the ground. It have positive effect on flora but negative effect on the working buildings.
  6. Flora is growing at the soil and required moisture otherwise it will dry out. But the flora is decreasing the vaporization and increasing distance that water can travel underground. DONE
  7. Acid is flowing same as water, but it's destroying soil and doesn't like water.
  8. Resources are on the ground and some are hidden in the ground and needs to be dig out.
  9. Factories and working places can be created by the characters to process the resources.
  10. Huge structures - you can combine all your factories and infrastructure into huge buildings with walls and roofs and let your characters to live there.
  11. Belts can be build to create automatization as you have limited number of characters and it takes lot of effort to complete map objective.
  12. Pipes are used to transport the water or steam across the map.
  13. Research done by characters is used to expand what can be built.
  14. Environmental effects as rain, acid rain, sand storm will effects your survival.
  15. Day time - changing day and night which will effect temperature, characters, buildings production, etc..
  16. Source of power for machinery - wind, steam or electricity.
  17. Progression of the technology- from primitive one using wood and require manual work, through half automated via steam to fully automated with electricity.

and more is coming

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Post news Report RSS Revive&Prosper;: Early Access & user experience update

You play from third person and control group of survivors on their path through wasteland into the their paradise. You are playing in voxel world (with a slight improvement ) which you can change by digging and by constructing building, belts and factories. There is water and acid element in the world which can help you or create you more problems on your way through the level. Key is that you have only few characters and you need to build and optimize automatization. Game is composed of multiple mechanics as - floating water through the level - manipulation with the ground - moisture - weather - growing vegetation - mineable resources - automatization through belts and factories - characters management and development - research - networks distribution of water, steam and power - acid destroying the world etc..

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