What is Project: CARDS ?

Project: CARDS is a turn-based strategy game, taking place in a huge, procedurally generated, persistent online world : Dyndria. In Dyndria six gods are fighting for the rule of the land, and the card keepers, hand picked by the gods, are the pawns in this war. These chosen few wield the cards, special magical items of great power forged from the ancient mythia crystals. When invoked by the card keepers, these cards can summon powerful mythical creatures and cast spells of awesome power.

At the beginning you are chosen by one of the gods and from then on you are fighting for that diety. You start out with nothing than your bare hands, but after you have taken the life force of a chosen creature, he will spawn your first card. By killing more and more monsters and taking over ancient shrines belonging to enemy factions ( which are strategically located near the mythia crystals) you get more and more cards. Your deck grows and gets stronger. Soon you will be able to summon creatures, cast spells, set traps, enchant friends and foes or forge magical equipment for yourself.

To keep the experience as fluid and fast paced as possible, you only directly control your avatar. All your creatures will move, attack or execute other abilities automatically. This also means though, that the hero is always the core of your army. You can't sit back with your avatar and let your creatures do the rest. The avatar has to be right in the middle of the action to be most efficient and summon the right creates and spells when and where they are needed.

We have a few more plans on other procedural content, coop- and vs modes, etc, and will give out more information as soon as they start taking shape. So hang in there!
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Why procedural?

Games have always been very static and undynamic experiences, that don't change from play to play too much. Now, with the modern technology it is finally possible to create dynamic experiences that change each and every time you pick up the game. So our formula is: nearly infinite content means nearly infinite gameplay means nearly infinite motivation. We don't know if that formula will work, but we think it's definitely worth a try!
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Release date?

We are currently working on Alpha version 0.1. The first few versions will be open for to the team only, then we'll open up to a small, but growing group of 'TEST SUBJECTS' ;) After that, we'll get the game out for the general public, and everyone can join and play an open beta. But till then a lot of code needs to be done and a lot of graphics need to be made.

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In the cold wintry months of February, Inko and I had been in deep discussion over a hypothetical card based strategy game. Just think - a game of “Magic: The Gathering” with several players ganging up on a guy with an Über deck, with locational information and procedural content thrown into the mix. It was awesome, it was amazing. It was clearly the Next Big Thing.

Long lists of card attributes and skills were copied and pasted between us. The central part of the game is the battle system, but with all these mechanics and thoughts being thrown about and with the coding workload shared between us, however were we going to formalize our awesome set of rules? The answer was glaringly obvious.

We would play the game without coding the game. On the 6th February 2011 the first ever game of Project: CARDS took place on our internal wiki. Using nothing but simple wiki formatting, and a lot of hurriedly coloured in hex sheets we saw our game turn from a fuzzy system of ideas into a definite set of rules.

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